If you are trying to figure out how to become a successful marketer on the internet, there are some very important things you should know! If you are new to the industry it is real easy to get sucked into promoting products that just aren't that good. You may go to the sales page and like what you see and decide to become an affiliate. What is an affiliate? First of all there are hundreds of thousands of us who are promoting other people's products. An affiliate specifically, is a person who advertsises another person's product. As an affiliate you get paid a percentage of the commission when someone buys the product. Finding the right internet marketing affiliate program is the challenge. Competition is stiff. If you jump into becoming an affiliate without a little research and knowledge, you will probably spend alot of time and money without any real results. The truth is, there is only a small percentage of affiliates who actually make any kind of suitable income. The rest fail miserably because they aren't sure what they are doing. I have been an affiliate for about a year and the first six months I struggled dearly and almost gave up. My efforts did not bring me any income. You might already be identifying with this statement. I thought I could jump right in and makes some money. Buying a program that promises it will teach me the ropes, only to leave me with several unanswered questions. What I am going to do here, is give you a little starting knowledge from my own diliegent research so you don't make the same mistakes I made!
Internet marketing affiliate programs are a dime a dozen. The most popular products people promote are the home business ones. Any product that teaches you how to make money online. Don't get me wrong there are millions of people that do a search on this every month so there definately is a market. If you do a google search for a phrase like "work from home" or "home business", you will see hundreds of millions of search results. This would cause an immediate problem for an affiliate wanting to promote a product such as this. The key for your affiliate link or site to get viewed, it has to have a good page rank. A page rank would be for example when you type in "home business" the first 10 sites you see on the page would be first page ranking. To get first page ranking with those keyword phrases is the challenge. I want you to come into this with your eyes wide open. It is not as easy to make money online as some internet Guru wants you to believe. There is no one single secret that will get the cash flow rolling in. I can tell you anyone with some intelligence and the willingness to learn can make this a very lucrative income. It does take time and patience. Personally I wish I knew at the beggining what I know now, I could have saved myself alot of money and time! I am going to give you some advice on the things not to do until you have a firm grasp on how this whole affiliate marketing works. So here we go.
#1 First off do not I repeat do not promote any homebusiness program or work form home program yet! What I mean by that is you will die off right away until you understand more how marketing works. Work from home products are a super thing to promote but not until you know more on how to market them.
#2 Don't jump right into "Pay Per Click Advertising." I made this mistake when I first got started and it costed me thousands of dollars. If you don't know what (PPC) is I will explain. Whenever you type in a phrase in google, you will see ads on the very top and side of the page. Those are (PPC) adverts. People use a program called google adwords that allows them to set up these ads. The ads that you see on the first page know how to market their product and are making money. PPC has alot of ins and outs and takes weeks, sometimes months to understand. This is why I say stay away from this for now.
#4 Stop buying product after product hoping to find the magic bullet to make money.
Alot of get rich quick programs are recycled information and they copy from somebody else and nobody has really shown true results from the boasts they make. The ones that suffer are the vulnerable people who are honestly trying to supplement their income and get ahead in life. There are some legit prodcts out there that will help you get started in this business but there are some things you need to look for before purchasing them.
#5 Any product that you want to purchase or promote which doesn't have a money back guarantee, stay away from. They don't have enough confidence in what they are selling you so why should you. Type in the name of the owner of the site you are viewing in google and see what search results come up. If you find anyone who has had issues with customer service or getting your money back stir clear. Read the reviews on the product and see what people have to say. You can do this by typing in the website with the word reviews at the end of it and google should show you some search results.
#6 Don't promote a product as an affiliate without pruchasing it first. You might be thinking what if I promote alot of different products that could get costly. There are ways of buying these products and acutally getting 50 to 75 percent of your money back. Plus remember you aren't going to promote or purchase any product without a money back guarantee. So buy the product and see if really does provide what is promised and if not ask for your money back and don't promote it.
#7 Don't promote things just because they are selling well. If you have done your research on a product and really believe people will benefit from it this would be a go. Just because something is selling well doesn't mean it is good for the consumer. You want to make sure your reputation is good and to help this only promote things that you yourself believe work and really will help people.
#8 Don't put all your eggs in one basket! What that means is you need to find several niches to be an affiliate of. A niche is a specific market for a particular search. For example you maybe want to look at promoting health products, relationship products, marketing products. The broader you stretch your knowledge and promotions, the more successful you will become.
These are some good pointers to help you in the right direction. Remember not just any internet marketing affiliate program is a good one. Now this brings me to my next point. If you are really new and want to understand how to start, what steps to take, how to understand the marketing strategies and everything esle that comes with trying to run a business from online. I am going to give you a recommendation. I personally have purchased dozens of programs to help me get started with my online business and have been very disappointed most of the time. I found that so many of them although useful benefited people who were more experienced and didn't need to be walked through everything to understand. I was not one of those people. I was as green as grass and needed somebody to teach me how to crawl before I could walk. If you are one of those people or already familiar and just want to find ways to expand your business as an affiliate, I have found a really good program. It will teach you all the things you need to know about internet marketing as an affiliate. He will help you create your own website if you so desire and if not he shows alot of other ways to make money without spending any money on advertising. There is no magic bullet like I said before, but this in my own experience is the closet thing I have found. Read the review of the program below and see what he all covers to help you become successful. Good luck and I hope you are one of the next super affiliates.
Friday, February 5, 2010
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